Welcome to Blah Ned Blah
I'm not really sure why I'm creating this site. I was trying to post a comment to a friend's blog and found myself in a maze of pop-up pages inviting me to "register" - which it appeared that I had to do in order to post. It turned out that impression was mistaken, but by that time I was pretty well through the process - so here it is.
I already have a conventional web-site where I post when I have time, at The Nedpages (q.v.) so this is a bit of a redundancy, but I'll leave it here and see what happens.
One annoying problem is that I have to change all my privacy settings to post here - as this site allows no cookie management - so I think that will probably limit its usefulness to me. But again, we'll see.
Meanwhile, welcome. If you have something interesting to say or any reaction to what I put up here, I'd be glad to hear it.